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  • Writer's picturechristiepileggi

Will Keto work for me? Let's try this together.

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I'm gonna get personal with this post! Bear with me... January this year caught up with me. I had entertained the whole holiday, and my planter's fasciitis came back with a vengeance! So I was going to do what I always do, go to the podiatrist and tell them to give me another shot of cortisone. Much to my dismay, they said it won't work, I was too inflamed. They put me in a boot, told me to stay off of it and come back in 2 weeks, well 2 weeks turned into 2 months. It still is hurting 8 months later, but that's not the story. The story goes a little something like, putting me in a boot, put me in a deep depression. I was no longer able to exercise, which I'm pretty sure was the only thing keeping me sane, my body in balance, and able to eat the way I do. The pounds started packing on, I started eating and drinking a lot more than I was. It was also winter, which I normally have more depression, but with all this it felt overwhelming. To add insult to injury, I'm going through perimenopause! Yay, it's great to be a woman! So the cycle begins, feel crappy, eat crappy, cry, repeat!

It's now July, and I'm getting ready to go to the shore for a couple days with the kids. I set up on the beach and start reading Keto after 50. I thought I'll read it, and see if it's something I want to do. Over the years I've done a lot of research on diet, so I knew some of what the book was talking about, but some new information that I hadn't heard was in the book. I wrote down why I want to lose weight, and this is where the over 50 comes in... I'm not 50 yet, but it's right around the corner! Where as in my 20's or 30's it would be to look good. Now it's I want less inflammation, I want energy to do the things I once did with such ease. I want better sleep and less stress on my joints.

There's a lot of information in the book, but the things that really stood out are myths around cholesterol. Talks about how elevated insulin (the response to too much sugar) decreases the ability to burn fat by inhibiting HSL (hormone sensitive lipase) the enzyme responsible for releasing fatty acids from your fat cells. When you're older, your body becomes more resistant to insulin. I was surprised to see a study on people who did a lot of cardio, but gained weight. As your older, you need less cardio and more weight training. The book also has a big section of keto recipes.

So I'm starting on Monday July 31, 2023. I'm going to be blogging on my journey and would love for you to join me. You can get the book here

I really hope this works, cuz this girl is desperate!

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